Sound Judgement
How can you demonstrate sound judgement? Here’s a good start to the list:
There are many times I have wanted to share a piece of my mind with someone. A great tool to use for diffusing the situation is to write an email to that person but to never send it. It allows you to clear your mind and move on (make sure you do not use the person’s email address and inadvertently send it!).
Be a lifelong student… books, blogs, trade magazines, and attend conferences & seminars.
Say I’m sorry and ask for forgiveness when you blow it, even when you may not be the only one at fault.
Surround yourself with a real or virtual board of directors. Who can you reach out to with those tough life and leadership questions?
Seek out those with complimentary skill sets to yours and, when possible, have them as part of your team.
Prayer and time reading the Bible….I cannot tell you how much these disciplines have impacted me over the years. I have journaled and kept notes in my Bible. It’s amazing to see how God has answered prayers.
Be a student of history, especially your own.
Listen to opposing or alternate viewpoints and watch out for biased listening……searching for thoughts in support of a conclusion you may have already reached.
We need to embrace where God has us today, believing where he’s called us to be tomorrow.
Take 48 hours before making significant decisions or responses if possible.
How have you demonstrated sound judgement?